I'm writing a new book! I'll tell you more about it when I've finished it. I started writing it after finding an old journal that I kept a few years ago. Writing the book has brought back a lot of memories, both good and bad.
Working on the book has provided me the opportunity to look through a lot of old photographs. Here's one photo that I found:
I have some wonderful memories of my brother when we were teenagers. Take a look at those "spiffy" saddle shoes! This picture also brings back good memories of the house that my brother Bill and I grew up in.
A few months ago, I taught my youngest knitting student ever! This little 2 year old knitter doesn't stay still very long, so we are able to only accomplish a few stitches at a time.
But, he's definitely learning to knit!
Speaking of knitting, I'm going to post a pattern for this lovely scarf:
The yarn I used is called "Bamboo Bloom Handpaints". (you can see their website here: http://bit.ly/1AsmZ8i ) I bought it at Amazon.com : http://amzn.to/1l6VEF4 .
I had enough yarn left over from one skein to also make a neck warmer:
and a little pin to use with the scarf or neck warmer:

You can download these patterns here:
In early July, I broke my hip. I've never broken a bone in my life and this sure wasn't a good one to "pick"! I spent about a month in the hospital recuperating and getting physical and occupational therapy.
While I was in the hospital, I had a wonderful roommate, "roomie Jo". We formed a special relationship and hope to keep in touch.
Now I'm finally home and walking with a walker. Instead of "lounging around" and recuperating as I had hoped, I am kept very busy with a great physical therapist, a very dear home health aide, and a really knowledgeable nurse. They all come to my house several times a week. I still get tired easily and am limiting my visitors to short visits.
Dear readers, take a few moments and think back over your summer and see what changes you have found in yourself.