
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Spring Is Really Going to Come!

I know this because my spring classes have started and we’re having fun!

Spring will arrive in spite of “The Big March Snowstorm” that the weather forecasters were predicting.  In fact, they were wrong and it quickly fizzled out:

Then the weather forecasters were wrong again. 
On March 24 they were predicting mostly rain with a little snow and no accumulation. But we woke up on the morning of March 25 to a beautiful winter wonderland!

This was the biggest accumulation of snow in March since the “great blizzard of 1942”.  And that was the year I was born a few days later on April 3!  

Luckily "The Big March Snowstorm # 2" melted quickly.

As spring arrives I just love the way the new leaves that first start unfolding on the bare tree limbs give them a beautiful misty look.  The miracle of new life once again gradually appearing before our eyes!

A lot of my students were left “dangling” in my last post about what our “mystery student project” was…
Did you make a guess?  Well, (drum roll, please!) here is what I turned all of that wonderful student knitting into:
A comfy pillow that my students can take turns using!

The free pattern that I put in my last post, “Mary’s Most Asked for Scarf” ( you can see and download it at  ) was “highlighted” on Ravelry on February 14!  What a nice Valentine’s surprise that was for me!  By the way knitters, if you don’t belong to Ravelry, go immediately to  and join.  It’s free and is a “knitter’s paradise” with so much wonderful information helpful to knitters.

Since my birthday is in April, I decided to look for some knitted birthday cakes (on Ravelry, of course).  I thought you might enjoy some of these free patterns: 
Sandra's cupcake website:
 Here's a picture of that yummy looking, no calories cupcake:

And, look at this delicious looking slice of Carrot Cake…and also no calories!

I also found this clever knitted cake that can be used as a key ring, applique, or pin at:  :

And, here’s a cupcake with a removable cupcake cover.  It’s so cute!  You can find the pattern at

I haven’t had time to make any of these yet, so please let me know if you make one as nice birthday gift for a friend or even for yourself…

Dear blog readers, I know I’m impatient and don’t like to be left “dangling” or unsure of what’s going to happen.  Do you ever have times like that?  When I do, I remember the Bible verse (1 Corinthians 13, verse 12 ) that says:
 “Now all we can see of God is like looking at a blurred image. But someday we shall see Him more clearly. Presently we don’t know everything but eventually we will.”
This is very comforting to me. 
Fondly, Mary

Spring Is Really Going to Come!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend