
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Moments of Grace

We have been studying God’s Grace in Adult Sunday school this fall.  This study has allowed me to become more aware of moments of God’s Grace in my life.  Here are a few that I have been pondering this fall:
  • My nephew’s first baby was born in September (now Charlie has a cousin! ).

  • My younger son, Chris, insisting that we sleep on our living room floor during hurricane Sandy so that we would be protected from any large branches falling on our house in the woods.  So, I took some pictures of our preparations to re-assure Chris.


We gathered all the soft quilts to sleep on—but it still felt like we were sleeping on the hard floor!
Not at all comfortable- - it made me remember why I hate camping out!


And, we put all of “valuables” by the front door in case a branch did fall and we had to get out of the house quickly…

  • My older son, Mike’s joy at becoming an uncle and trying to visit and see Charlie as often as he can.


Speaking of Charlie’s first Christmas, I have made him a Christmas stocking.  I got the free pattern from . Here’s a picture of the pattern from the website:

And, here are some pictures of Charlie’s stocking with a few little additions to personalize it with pockets and a “C” for Charlie:


In recognizing all of the times of Grace in my life, I have realized that I can extend Grace to others in many ways.  We all can be the hands and feet of Grace:


Dear readers, I hope you think of and appreciate moments of God’s Grace in your life during this
Holiday season. 

My wish for you this year is that you have a grace-filled Christmas and an awareness of all of the times of God’s Grace in the coming year.
Love, Mary


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