
Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Exciting News, Spring Knitting, New Designs

I'm a grandmother!


I got to hold him soon after he was born, which was one of the most wonderful moments of my life.

Our little guy was born three weeks early, on January 10, 2012.  His name is Charles, we're calling him Charlie.  I'm going over to the new parents' house as much as possible to feed him, change him, and just hold and rock him.  It's such fun!

Even though it seems like winter will never end, it really is going to be spring again!  My spring knitting classes start in the middle of March.  If you're interested in signing up or want more information, email me at   

What's been on my needles lately?  Why, baby clothes, of course! Here are some caps and sweaters that I've finished in the last few months:

I designed and knit this “Every Which Way” jacket and cap 
for Charlie

Here’s an “Every Which Way” Pullover that I designed for a new baby at my church.  I made a flower in case it was a girl and a sailboat in case it was a boy.  It turned out that the baby was a little girl so I sewed the flower securely onto the sweater front.  
 ( ALWAYS sew any appliqués or buttons, etc. that you add onto a baby sweater VERY securely.  We wouldn’t want baby to chew or pull anything off a sweater! )

I’ve also designed 2 caps that I call “Cozy Crown Brim Caps”:

This one has a lacy brim and corkscrew tassels on top.

And this one has a saw tooth shaped brim 
with a knotted I-cord on top

I love this quote by Ann Weems:

"It is not over, this birthing.

There are always newer skies into which God can throw stars. When we begin to think that we can predict the Advent of God, that we can box the God in a stable in Bethlehem,

that's just the time that God will be born in a place we can't imagine and won't believe."

This quote rings so true to me as a new grandmother as I think of what a miracle baby he is.

God really threw a new star into the sky when our Charlie was born! 

And it is not over, this birthing.  Each time Charlie grows and changes, learns to crawl, to walk, to talk, the birthing begins again!

And with the rebirth of spring every year, God continues to throw new stars into the sky.

As spring approaches, take time to look 
for new birth all around you

and to ponder where God is throwing new stars into your sky.


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