We just had a wonderful week in Rehoboth Beach at the Edgewater House with our balcony overlooking the boardwalk, beach, and ocean.
Planning and packing what knitting to bring took almost a day:
Do you think I packed enough knitting??? With the one yarn shop in Rehoboth now closed, I wanted to be prepared for all knitting “moods” that might come upon me!
Soon after we arrived I started to knit in my favorite place (see blog post July 30, 2009) and my second favorite place:A happy beach balcony knitter!
I worked on a number of knitting project, but not on ALL that I brought! My favorite project was making a Snowman Gnome for the Baby Gnome Workshop.
Besides knitting (me), we got in lots of reading (I had 4 books in progress…all very good, hard to put down types and Max had 3), walking (Max took VERY long walks, I took shorter ones!) on the beach, boardwalk, and the cute little side streets in town. Saw some beautiful flowers, clouds, and sunsets, and the always, endlessly beautiful ocean.
I made a video from our balcony to encourage you to remember your favorite beach sounds and sights. Listen for sea gulls, laughter of children, the rising and falling sound of the waves. Look at the beautiful colors of the water and sky, the sun and shadows on the sand, beach umbrellas, and happy people walking along the edge of the shore. Watching this also brings me back to the special “beach-y smells”: sun lotion, spicy sand, salty fishy smell of the ocean, warm wood smell of the boardwalk. What delightful sight, sound, and smell memories do you have of beaches and ocean in your life?
Good night, dear family, friends, and knitters everywhere...have soothing seaside dreams as you sleep tonight.