Look...the first snow and some of our flowers are still blooming!
With various medical issues and procedures, this has been a very different December for me. First of all, my dear students, I'm so sorry I had to postpone all of the December classes.
But I think I made the right decision since I'm still recuperating and catching up on my energy. I do miss all of you and am looking forward to seeing some of you who signed up for private lessons during the next couple of weeks.
I want to thank each of you who have kept me in your thoughts and prayers. It has really helped: I have stayed peaceful through all of the doctor visits, tests, procedures, and endless waiting.
I'm feeling better each day and I'm using this recuperation time to appreciate all the love and beauty that is around me. We had a lovely snow fall last Saturday and I was able to just sit and absorb the beauty of it all. The tree branches were so puffy with snow that they almost looked like they had blossoms on them!
And, I've finished my Christmas gift knitting! : ) Well, actually I'm adding one more Christmas gift knitting project: a scarf for my older son who had a scarf on his Christmas wish list. I just couldn't bring myself to buy him one, so I'm using some yarn for my "yarn stash" to knit him one. I'm halfway done so I'm sure I'll finish it in time for Christmas! I'm calling it" 2 Directional Manly Scarf" since I'm knitting it in 2 directions and in 2 pieces which I'll join together at the center back neck. The color that is showing up in the pictures now is pink but it is really a nice manly brown color!

One of my real joys these last few months has been teaching some children how the knit. I'll be talking more about that in my next post.
Enjoy this nice cool winter weather to do lots of cozy knitting BUT REMEMBER...do NOT stay up all night Christmas Eve night trying to finish that unfinished gift! Stop knitting on it on Christmas Eve morning, wrap it up just as it is, and enjoy the rest of your day, knowing that your recipient will be thrilled to be getting a gift of your knitting even if it's not finished and it will make Christmas last longer for them as you're finishing it!